
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Vladamir Putin is Donald Trump's Dom

You knew this was coming...just like you knew Vlad was a top. Dare we even say...Putin has cucked Donald Trump?

No one knows for sure 100% what the Trump-Putin relationship is, but we're pretty sure it's not good for the rest of us. All we need is a black leather full-headed mask and the Donald Trump gimp conversion will be complete!

(This isn't meant to insult anyone in the BDSM community--only to show the way things work on the world state outside of the bedroom between these two.)

Taken from here. Unsure if this is the original source:

Trump-Putin 2016: Baby Trump & Daddy Putin

This one's all over the Web right now and we're not sure the original source. Our blog got this one from here:

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Donald Trump Pig Anus Sighting

It turns out President-Elect Donald J. Trump was seen in a pig's anus as early as August 2015. Maybe you didn't hear it here first, but you heard it here best!

Source: The Evening Herald: Donald Trump's Face Seen in Pig's Anus

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Why Artists Won't Perform at Trump's Inauguration

Even the artists who supported Trump--or perhaps just hated Hillary--understand how toxic he is. Aside from the way Donald Trump manipulates the media, The Donald has a reputation for screwing over the people he works with. Even a top music manager who represents many conservative musicians can't get anyone to perform at the January 2017 inauguration.

"We've gotten calls that almost sound a little bit desperate: 'Does anybody want to perform?'" says Ken Levitan, a top music manager who represents liberal and conservative artists including Kings of Leon, Hank Williams Jr., Lynyrd Skynyrd and Emmylou Harris. "At this point, we haven't had anybody that has any desire to perform at the inauguration.

"Even if you're a Trump supporter, you've got to look at how he plays the media [and] the public, in terms of how he attacks and twists things around. I've got to think there's a fear of talking about things and working with him," Levitan continues. "I do know some of the very conservative [artists] have no desire to do it. ... [They] just don't want to be involved in the circus — it's a media circus, and not necessarily in a good way."

Source: Rolling Stone: Why Even Trump-Friendly Artists Won't Perform at His Inauguration.

How the World Mocks Donald Trump

It's not just those of us here in the States that make fun of Donald Trump. The whole world has declared United States President-Elect Trump as a target for satire. Why?

Satire is one of the best weapons against the pompous, arrogant, and irresponsible in positions of power. It doubles as a balm for feelings of helplessness, depression, etc. at the state of the world.

And Donald Trump makes it so damn easy.

Here is a compilation of worldwide Trump Satire from the folks at QZ. It includes a Donald Trump tampon commercial from South Africa and a Nirvana tribute from Germany.

Mocking Trump Worldwide

trump satire all over the world

Monday, December 26, 2016

Lift Your Tiny Fists Like Donald Trump

We'd like to celebrate Donald Trump's unintentionally hilarious Christmas tweet with some tiny fists from Canada. After all, everybody knows how much President-Elect Trump loves Canadians--and Black Emperors. Here is Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven 

We Fight Back

Our apologies sir, but fair is fair.

First Shot Fired